In light of the UK’s decision to leave the EU, it’s worth revisiting our recent Talent Equity® report on what makes successful biotech boards.

The question now for investors and board members, is what effect will Brexit have on their companies: will it mean further divergence, or will the biotech community in the UK and the rest of the EU redouble its efforts to establish best practice and to learn from each other?

We drew out some lessons that can be learned from the different approaches to board constitution and regulation in the UK and the rest of MEU and draw also on comparators from USA.

Like you, we believe that a board should be more than the sum of its parts. We looked at the experience, backgrounds, terms-of-office etc. of the non-executives from the ten top performers in the UK and mainland European biotech (MEU). We then compared their companies against the ‘benchmark’ BIOG Index.

Our goal was to tease out some data that chairs, nominations committees, and investors can use in data-driven decision support when building, assessing or refreshing their boards.

Some of what we found supports received wisdom; some surprised us – and may surprise you too.

Click here to download the report let us know what you think.

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