10th Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2023 is a conference dedicated to the challenges faced in the Asian biologics manufacturing sector.
10th Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2023 covers topics such as:
- Incorporating QbD in the early process development.
- Reducing the timelines and need for efficient screening technologies and monitoring bioprocesses in order to reduce timelines for upstream bioprocesses.
- Development of robust processes to suit evolving biomanufacturing needs.
- Technical and economic viability of using a single-use biomanufacturing facility.
- Optimization of downstream purification for highly complex molecules.
- Purification process development to maximize process economy.
- Designing and automating quality control during scale-up and process change.
10th Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2023 brings together senior attendees from:
- Asian biopharmas
- International biopharmas
- BIG pharmas
- Contract manufacturing organizations
- Bioprocessing technology/service providers
- Research institutes and academics
- Platform technology companies
10th Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2023 will be held in Singapore on 15-16 February 2023.